Marcia sent this poem to me this morning. I read it once and didn’t get it. So I got back to work writing an email to a client about why he shouldn’t throw out all three of our initial ideas with just the words “too simple”, “too average” and “too complex”. Well I opened up google mail again and read it for the second time and just like that i got it. From the few late night chit chats Marcia and i have, it seems like she gets where my head is at: The poem is by Rainer Rilke
“Ignorant before the heavens of my life, I stand and gaze in wonder. Oh the vastness of the stars. Their rising and descent. How still. As if I didn’t exist. Do I have any share in this? Have I somehow dispensed with their pure effect? Does my blood’s ebb and flow change with their changes? Let me put aside every desire, every relationship except this one, so that my heart grows used to its farthest spaces. Better that it live fully aware, in the terror of its stars, than as if protected, soothed by what is near.”