
Raw Fatty Horse Meat

Okay, I did this stricly because of catching backlash for eating so much Starbucks and the few double cheese burgers i had at McDonalds. We went to a tapas like place and got a varitiety of foods. after were were just about finnished Mish saw that there was a dish called raw fatty horse meat. I thought, now this would be something interesting to eat. So we decided to order another beer and a freshly killed Mr. Ed.

How did it taste? Well, kinda like nothing. If it weren't for the ginger and wasabe it would just be a chewy, really chewy piece of rubber i guess.


First Day Notes on Japan

This is Tokyo:

  • The chick on the airplane was far from friendly

  • Tokyo airport was clean and quite easy to get out of

  • I was a only a little unsure of where I was going

  • The hostel, K's House Tokyo, was farily easy to get to

  • Thank you to the old lady who noticed i was turned around. sorry we couldn't communicate what-so-ever

  • Remember to never try to book a popular hostel less than 24 hours in advance – they will be full

  • I ended up getting back on the train and to my original hostel.

  • Now i'm tired of carying these bags. why couldn't i just have a little backpack?

  • Thank you to the old man who ran the convenience store for noticing i was lost (he come out side and waved his hand for me to come to him)

  • Thank you for the dry cleaner who helped me out after i got lost a second time

  • Thank you hotel koyo for only being 25 bucks.

Next post: Why I don't want to stay at a hostel ever again…


My only stress factor has just been taken care of. I didn't know where I was going to stay tomorrow (thursday) night when I arrived in Tokyo. Not that i didnt' have a clue, i just haven't sat down and tried. So i'm staying at a place called Hotel New Koyo. It is a little backpacker inn somewhere near the center of Tokyo. It is mad cheap, about 2,500 yen ( 25 bucks ) and the website gave pretty good directions. I'm going to stay at a little nicer place when I come come back around to Tokyo next week.

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desktop tokyo